
Let’s Find Out What Caused Computers to be Slow in Westchester NY

Let’s Find Out What Caused Computers to be Slow in Westchester NY Between 2021 and 2022 Sandanotech has been collecting statistical data about computer hardware and software issues encountered by its Westchester clients. The stats provided below she lights about user habits, company hardware procurements and computer maintenance. Given that the range of clients we have is a mix, it is important to highlight that some of the companies decided to join our managed services, but some of them, because of budget constraint, prefer to use our services on request. On the other hand, those who have joined our services, are more careful in avoiding downtime and have newer hardware and software. Those who call our IT support services on request, have experienced more downtime because of older hardware and randomness in applying patches and updates. Our Westchester IT Support Provides Computer Services   To Workstations Running Windows 10 and Windows 11 To Workstations Running Intel Core I5 and AMD Processors To Computers that are usually no more than 5 years old. To Pcs that have SSD but also Mechanical hard drives Let Sandanotech Know if you Need Tech Support When users call for tech support and report that the computer is slow, they usually don’t describe the reasons why their machine is acting their way.  Slowness can depend on software problems or ageing hardware. In this scenario, we have though to lay down what we have discovered in the computers of our clients and how we were able to implement a decent solution to correct the issue. COMPUTERS WITH MECHANICAL HARDWARE -HDD For machines running on mechanical hard drives, we usually recommend to do first a disk error checkup and disk defragmentation. Once those tasks have been completed, the computer’s speed can be incremented by running Windows updates and by removing unnecessary software. IDENTIFYING WHAT CAUSES SLOWNESS Not all the programs were created equal. For example, Outlook and Chrome take up a lot of resources. In the system resources after having hit task manager, find what program takes most resources and maybe propose the user to use the cloud version of it. One example could be if Excel keeps crashing, a user may want to use the onlinbe version of it on OWA. REMOVE MALWARE Constantly scanning for viruses can keep system clean, remove infections and prevent the computer from getting clogged with files and programs users do not need. OPTIMIZING STARTUP PROGRAMS The startup program is crucial in discovering what resources are taken when the computer starts up. For example, Microsoft Teams and One Drive can be turned off and free up resources. CLEARING BROWSER CACHE Keeping browsers such as Chrome up to date allows a faster Internet experience. Also clearing the browsing history will result in a safer behavior as browser does not have to store passwords and cookies. Keep also browser extesnions at a minimum so that the browser won’t slow down or crash. HARDWARE UPGRADES If a desktop runs Windows 10 or, even worse, Windows 11, with only  8GB of RAM, I recommend to upgrade the ram at least to 16 GB. That way, multitasking will become easier and several high-intensity programs such as Chrome will run better and faster. On the hard drive side, we have already specified that it’s much better to have a ssd or NVME hard drive rather than a mechanical hard drive. The HDD can be easily cloned to an SSD resulting in 30 per cent more read and write speed. UPDATE THE WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM Windows 10 has 2 more years of support left as of this writing and many companies are already upgrading their computers to Windows 11. Upgrading the OS right now does not make the computer faster, and honestly it can translate in a bad user expericence because many of our clients in Westchester still don’t like Windows 11, Better to run a fully patched Windows 10 than a Windows 11 system on a 5 years old machine. That would complicate things even further.

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What Does an IT MSP Do in Westchester County NY?

What Does an IT MSP Do in Westchester County NY? Information technology IT support has really evolved quite a bit since the 90s because businesses have decided to focus more their core business. For this reason companies who decided to expand their activities have decided to outsource some of the IT support services to other companies who specialize in computer networking and technical support in Westchester. What does an MSP actually do and how does it help businesses? Ultimately how do you as the MSP business owner make money? An MSP is a high tier IT company that provides remote and onsite services to small and medium businesses located in Westchester county. A MSP provider takes care of network management and monitoring data and backup, Recovery Security Services cloud services and management help desk and technical support and I.T Consulting and strategic planning. In addition to the core services there are plenty of other services that can be added by a Managed Service Provider, such as delivery of computer parts or other type of hardware. A relevant part of service that the IT consultant can offer as a provider is the help desk. Let’s say a consumer can call saying he’s having having computer issues or that the printer is not working my or computer is running slow, the help desk can help solve the issue remotely or in person. Lately however, the msp has evolved into cloud service provider (CSP) as many companies have been moving their infrastructure to the cloud. On the users’ side a prime example of the migration to cloud services is the implementation of Office Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace. These services eliminate the need of hosting applications and software in local servers and increase redundancy as those applications sit on huge data centers. Also, MSP rely heavily on remote management and monitoring software rmm; these are tools are provided to help desk support in order to be able to remotely log into your desktop and be able to look at different software or patches software updates that are on a company’s system or be a proactively alerted and monitor issues with your organization. Generally they provide many other services such as being able to procure new laptops or devices for you or handling your mobile needs. Microsoft Intune is the Mobile Device management interface that handles the setup of mobile devices in a coporate environment. Backup implementation and engineering is another crucial set of skills that MSP need to have in order to succeed with their clients. MSPs really want to make sure that company’s data doesn’t just exist in one single location that there are multiple copies of data online. Key principle here is that data have integrity data accessibility and confidentiality. When MSP and CSP negotiate their services with their clients, a good practice would be to draft a SLA, also known as service level agreement. There are many different pricing models that are involved in msps and a very common one is no longer in providing it services on a per project basis which are kind of one time. Nowadays IT consultants in Westchester focus more on a flat rate per device or per user. If for a company the bigger cost is the software, MSP can bundle services together to cut down costs and offer a better service. Contrary to common belief, outsourcing IT services can significantly contribute to cost savings. Managed IT services operate on transparent pricing models, allowing companies to budget effectively while enjoying top-notch IT support. Build your software package as MSP with your customers’ needs in mind and do not overload their network with software or services he does not need. Listen first and act accordingly. If a company thinks the MSP as a business extension, the benefits will be many: from flexibility, to upgrades and negotiations, all will run smoothly.  Lastly, as I always have users’s brain and hearts in mind, a factor that I consider in choosing the right provider is the proximity. It is always better to rely and pay for a service that can come on site when needed than outsourcing the IT services far away and only get remote support.  

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A Day in the Life of an IT Support Technician in Westchester

A Day in the Life of an IT Support Technician in Westchester People can embrace an IT career at any time in their lives. Whether they are starting a new job or want to change career, the IT field is so vast that you can learn a lot by studying books, watching courses and being part of a computer crew. We won’t stress enough to get computer apprenticeship in Westchester because it helps getting comfortable with networks, users, and people habits. If you want to know what type of skills to acquire in this job, you may want to focus on the following topics: Active Directory Active directory allows admin to manage permissions and access to network resources. it is a service developed by Microsoft for windows domain networks and it runs on windows servers. One of the roles in it is to manage the access and network resources in a company and most companies are using active directory. Active directory stores data and objects. Objects can be users groups applications or devices such as servers laptops computers and printers. If a user gets locked out in the domain tech help actually resets the password in the active directory and let the user know that the password has been changed. Also if you want to add a device or equipment to the domain like a printer or laptop you also can do it in active diectory. Operating Systems: Windows, Mac and Linux The operating system is the software that supports a computer’s basic functions such as scheduling tasks, executing applications and controlling peripherals. It’s extremely important for a tech support to know operating systems because issues that need troubleshooting range from Blue Screen of Death, crashing applications, freeing disk space, and freeing resources that show up at the startup. Know the Command Line (CLI) Sometimes issues are not computer related but are network related. For example, user may complain that he cannot reach a website and he/she does not know if it’s blocked by a corporate firewall or if his machine has DNS issues.Pinging an IP address or a website is the most basic taks that allows computer technicians in Westchester to beging understanding where the problem is. Dealing with Computer Hardware Lifting and bending is in the norm in the day to day life of a computer technician. We are asked to troubleshoot computers that do not turn on and even if the machines are turned on, users cannot see the picture in the monitors. Step by step troubleshooting requires calm and logic if an IT support technician is called to find out where the problem is. In the back end, technicians are also asked to setup or decommission servers from the rack and check if the ethernet wires are plugged in properly to the right port. Helping Users Get Comfortable with Hardware Since the pandemic, the number of users working from home has increased and many users have a setup that includes a laptop and two monitors. However, as a laptop has only one HDMI port for one monitor, a second monitor can be setup through a docking station. I saw users in Westchester getting confused when the first see docking stations but a good IT technician can stay calm and explain how to plug all the wires and make the whole setup work for the user with the least amount of stress as possible. Gain More Skills by Knowing VOIP Phones We have customers who have been bringing the phones from work to their homes and most of the times they have issues plugging in the ethernet wires to the router and their pc. Furthermore, company employees often forget their extension which make them unable to receive and make phone calls. As IT is nowadays a very busy job, Sandanotech recommends to outsource the VOIP phones in Westchester to a company who can work in close contact with the IT department and offer quick support. Know Well the Software the Company Runs There have been many instances in which software conflicts with each other and IT support will need to call the tech support of the software to take a look at the issue and possible solve it. Issues that can be resolved with software vendors range from Microsoft Teams not working properly, Citrix Workspace shutting down, and the antivirus that blocks false positives. Knowing software intreractions can be used for future reference and a computer technician should write down all the process that brought to the solution of the problem in the knowledgebase articles. Do not Forget to Learn about Iphones and Android Phones Phones are nowadays part of our life and companies require that their IT department use Microsoft Intune to setup a MDM (Mobile Device Management). A user’s phone in a corporate environment can be used to check emails on the Outlook app, to further authenticate users with third party apps when they login in their workstation and can also be used to receive other apps pushed by the IT department. Unfortunately, MDM does not protect a phone against spam text messages and malicious links, for which Sandanotech in Westchester recommends researching the matter further and get the right application. Dealing with Users Unable to Print When users have deadlines and are trying to print a document they need, often times they can’t print and their file is stuck in the queue. A quick turnaround of the issue can be to clear the print jobs, restart the print spooler service and check if the printer is set as a default printer. Fix Outlook Issues From users who complain that they haven’t received emails to others who cannot open Outlook, Outlook itself can be a matter discussed in books for the variety of issues it can generate. If a user does not receive an email with an attachment, usually Outlook is not at fault. The mail security antispam filter can be responsible for that and a tech help can release the email very easily.

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Common Computer Issues on the User’s Side in Westchester

Common Computer Issues on the User’s Side in Westchester There is nothing more frustrating than starting your day in the office and your computer is acting up. You have deadlines, you have to answer emails but your pc does not seem to cooperate. We have been called very often in Westchester county to assist users early in the morning because their machines had issues that they were not able to resolve with a single reboot. What is even more frustrating is that not always computer problems can be resolved with a remote session, but company employees have to wait for a tech to come over to solve the problems. What Sandanotech Tech Support Recommends Is to hire an IT firm that conducts computer business locally so that computer support in person may not be late when problems arise. Let us Know if you Need IT Support A typical day in the office begins with employees arriving to the headquarters and trying to login into their Windows account. A typical office has workstations running Windows 10 or 11 and users’ accounts are managed by one or two Activer Directory servers. The common issues that office suers are experiencing can be described as follows: User Cannot Login into their Workstation That issue has usually to do with users not rememberiung their login password and in that case a Windows system administrator can create a temporary new password for the user. After having input the temporary password, users can create a new password that would have to comply with the lenght and complexity required by the company’s password policy. User Reports that the Computer is Turned Off In this case, a tech would first try to turn on the computer and see if the monitors as well power up. If the computer turns on, users may be forced to go past Bit Locker and then login. Another attempt can be if the tech support in place can try to unplug the power cord, keep pressed the power button for 15 seconds to discharge extra power and try to reboot the machine. If all fails, the computer technician should see if there are Bios errors or if the system does not load. It happened to us that we had to replace computers quickly for a client in new Rochelle because after the Bios post, the system would not load because of corrupted files. User Cannot Print Solving printing issues seems easy but in reality it’s a very tricky troubleshooting task. First you may want to check if user has tried to print multiple times and his/her print queue is full with print jobs. Clear all the print jobs, reboot the pc and see if the printer is set as default printer in the Windows control panel and if the printer drivers are properly installed. If you have a Windows server that manages print jobs through a Group Policy Object, you may want to check that as well and eventually reboot the server if users cannot print. User Has No Internet Troubleshooting Internet in a small office is not the same as trying to understand why you don’t have Internet at home. A small business office may have several routers, switches and firewalls, and IT technicians have to deal with each individual appliance to see what’s going on. Usually tech support in Westchester login into the GUI of those appliances by typing their IP address. If one of those appliances does not let you login, you may want to focus on that as a temporary single point of failure. User Has not Received an Attachment from another User Usually the issue occurs when a user sends a pdf or a large excel file to another user via email. As the sender is not aware of the attachment size limitation, the receiver will never get the file. In this case, although Microsoft One Drive and Google Drive are 7 years old, users still don’t seem to realize that it will be better to use cloud service to send attachments. As a matter of fact a cloud provider will send to the receiver a link to download the file from a cloud server and not the physical file. User Cannot Login into their VOIP Phones Nowadays tech support in Westchester needs to be able to troubleshoot VOIP phones as part of their core competencies. Users usually forget their extension number so it would be a good idea if computer people keep a copy of the company phones’ directory and guide user to the phone login process. If a new user is onboarded or terminated we recommend to outsource the phone systems to a cloud phone company who can create, reassign and delete users’ numbers in a more orderly fashion. Computer Monitors are Turned Off Monitors are usually not turned off but they are isle. I would check the connection, restart the computer and see if the picture comes up. If the picture does not showe up I would check the input source in the monitor itself, which can be DVI, VGA or HDMI. If all those fail I would eventually replace the monitor cable with a new one. Computer Running Slow If the computer runs slow, there are serveral things to check before taking action. Check the hardware first: as we have seen some of our Westchester clients buying computers with Intel Core i3 processor, there won’t be that much to do because that machine was born to be slow. If, on the other hand, the computer or laptop has a Intel Core I5 or Core I7, tech support may want to uninstall unused programs, turn off software and services from the startup menu that are not needed such as Xbox, run Windows updates, browser updates and Microsoft Office updates. A good way to free up some storage is to cleanup the download folder and to empty the recycle bin.  

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When Does Make Sense to Offer Remote IT Services in Westchester?

When Does Make Sense to Offer Remote IT Services in Westchester? Small and big businesses not only in Westchester county but all over the US are constantly very busy and use the technology they have invested in to sell the product or services that can generate more revenue for them. IT consultants , on the other hand, are constantly visiting their clients to perform scheduled maintenance and repairs and that often translate into long time spent driving before reaching each client. During the pandemic, when everyone spent  2 years working and living at home, companies and individuals began using software and applications that allowed employees to remote into company’s resources. But, can the remote support technology be used in the post pandemic era to optimize IT workflow and assistance? Let's Find Out The answer is yes. Using remote tools to assist users and to perform back end IT tasks is a great way to reduce IT costs, and to offer a better service as a consultant. The time lost driving in traffic does not add to the knowledge of the tech person and frustrates the end user who’s waiting for tech help to arrive. When a remote support session can be used to assist a end user? A user working from home is unable to print a word document. A tech support session can troubleshoot the connection between the printe rnad the computer and clear up the print jobs so that a new print session can be established. As long as the end user has a good Internet  or wifi connection, he will be able to get the issue resolved by a computer technician working remotely. A year ago a client of mine, lawyer in Harrison Westchester, was able to be back on track with his print job after I remoted in and restarted the print spooler. When a remote tool can be used to perform back end IT tasks? Let’s say that a computer network has a scheduled maintenance on a Sunday and the IT person is not allowed to be in the Westchester office alone while doing his job on site. A remote tool can be of a great help if patches are required, if servers need to be rebooted after updates and if it’s time to read a firewall logs, for example. Among the Other Technology Support We Provide Sandanotech offers swift and efficient solutions to IT technical challenges. Our remote IT support tools ensures your business operations run smoothly, minimizing downtime, and maximizing productivity. Embrace Efficiency with Sandanotech Our company stands at the forefront of the technological evolution, offering Remote IT Support and Computer Help services that redefine efficiency and security. If you really want to minimize risk and avoid downtime, business owners should consider elevating business operations, embracing innovation, and experience the efficiency of the Remote technology we have been offering in Westchester county for the last 15 years. Exploring Top Remote IT Support Tools Tool 1: Streamlined Remote Access Our first recommendation focuses on streamlining remote access, a fundamental requirement for effective IT support. Tools like Teamviewer stand out for their intuitive interfaces and robust security protocols. Ensuring seamless connectivity, these tools empower your IT team to address issues promptly. Tool 2: Proactive Issue Resolution Addressing IT issues before they escalate is a game-changer. N-able exemplifies this approach, offering proactive monitoring and diagnostics. By identifying potential problems in real-time, your IT support team can maintain system health and prevent disruptions. Tool 3: Collaborative Solutions Collaboration is at the heart of efficient IT support. Tools like Microsoft teams and Zoom facilitate collaborative problem-solving, allowing your team to work seamlessly regardless of physical locations. Enhanced communication features ensure that everyone stays on the same page, fostering a productive work environment. What types of Remote It software can be available to make IT tasks easier? Not all the IT tools are created equal. For example, a tool like Teamviewer or Anydesk is a great start but it has limitations such as the inability to push patches and updates. On the other hand, services like n-able can really make the difference because IT people can not only help the end user when he’s stuck doing something but also push patches and updates to the system or to a single application. For example, sofisticated and expensive managed service providers can schedule Windows updates to a cluster of machines or to an entire network or even to a single applications such as Firefox. Therefore, it is a good piece of advice to talk to your client before allocating a budget and see what he really needs in terms of remote technology and what IT people require to perform remote tasks. Business and IT people can meet in between and set up a service that is effiecient and is not too expensive while getting the job done. In the not-so-distant past, IT management was predominantly an on-site affair. However, the evolution of technology has paved the way for sophisticated remote IT software that allows businesses to manage their IT infrastructure from anywhere. This shift has been monumental especially during the pandemic era, offering flexibility and accessibility like never before. The benefit of using remote is that it’s a quick service. If you call to try to get help normally they have to schedule someone out the next day or you have to bring your computer in, then it will takes a couple days to get it back to you withour using remote tools. With remote support services you can call Sandanotech and within an hour or so you’ve got someone on your computer helping you because it’s a speedy service. The beautiful thing about the internet is the internet has provided services very quickly by leveraging technology to provide technical support quicker.

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Can Tech Support Help Westchester Businesses During Weekends?

Can Tech Support Help Westchester Businesses During Weekends? There are pros and cons in supporting customers during weekends: businesses can run 24 hours and may need tech help during weekends when computer repairs are needed or server patches have to go through. It’s in the normal course of events if IT technicians are called to perform tasks during holidays to keep up with business continuity and mainstream operations. A computer network runs 24 hours 365 days a year and the cost of being in business demands that critical services are always up and running. The Importance of Regular Computer Maintenance Understanding why your computer needs regular attention sets the stage for a stress-free digital experience. All digital users should understand the significance of routine computer maintenance to keep your Sundays smooth.In other words, users education is one of the main pillars in the IT world and is often overlooked by IT people and by businesses who don’t care about knowing why their machines behave a certain way versus another. Need Tech Support in Westchester? If you are a Westchester home user, you can perform DIY computer repairs during weekends but if you are a small business user you should contact tech support for assistance. Contact Sandanotech Common Sunday Computer Woes Sundays are meant for relaxation, not wrestling with technology. It’s a good practice to study during a weekend typical computer issues that might disrupt your laid-back weekend and how to tackle them.   DIY Tips for Basic Computer Repairs Embarking on the journey of becoming your computer’s own superhero should not be stressful, but you may want to search online for effective DIY tips for addressing common issues without breaking a sweat. Restarting: The Magic Fix Discover the power of the restart button and how it can miraculously resolve many of your computer’s quirks. If you have sessions that are stuck and the task manager does not work, the power button is the last resource and can reset all the processes and services that were running. Decluttering Your Digital Space A cluttered digital space can slow down your computer. Learn how to declutter and organize your files for a smoother experience. Remove unnecessary programs and go to the startup menu to turn off programs that run at the startup. Dealing with Software Glitches Software issues can be Sunday spoilers. Software glitches can provide insights on updates and dealing with the notorious malware. Computer errors are very common and range from Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) to errors related to single applications. Updates: Friend or Foe? Are software updates really necessary? We unravel the mystery behind updates and why they play a crucial role in your computer’s well-being.Updates are necessary on workstations that belong to a business environment. For servers, updates should run once a month and should be tested first in a test or a QA environment. The Troublesome Malware Identifying and dealing with malware: a guide for the non-tech-savvy. Protect your computer from digital invaders. Never leave a computer with no antivirus. If you use a paid antivirus, make sure that your subscription is active. If you use Windows defender, which is the built in antivirus from Microsoft, make sure that you select which folders to protect from ransomware. What to Do When Your Screen Goes Blank A blank screen doesn’t have to be a panic-inducing moment. It can be caused by the monitors turned off, by Bitlocker in a business environment, or by the selection of the input in the monitors menu.   Keyboard Nightmares and Solutions Unresponsive keys or sticky keyboards? We do not recommend using a wireless keyboard and mouse because of the lag when typing and operating the mouse and the need to replace periodically batteries.   Seeking Professional Help: Signs and Signals Sometimes, DIY won’t cut it. When you are unable to operate the computer or you are stuck in operating a program, you may want to seek for professional help. Do not ruin your weekend in Westchester county if a tech support can solve the issues of your computer for you. When to Know It’s Beyond Your Expertise Acceptance is the first step. Learn when to throw in the towel and seek the expertise of professionals.I have clients who work during the weekend and try to save money troubleshooting their computers but whern they are unable to fix the problem, they call me and I always appreciate that they did it because if you become stubborn and want to fix things at all cost, you can make things worse and compromise your system. How to Choose the Right Repair Service Not all IT Services in Westchester are created equal. What business should do is to look for a reliable computer company that is a local business in Westchester county and New York. Preventive Measures for Future Sundays Prevention is better than cure. If a Sunday turns out to be a lot of computer work to fix a problem, listen to a tech blueprint who can guide you through a regular maintenance process. Computers are like cars and need regular maintenance and replacements after several years of usage. Backing Up Your Digital Life The importance of regular backups and how they can save you from potential data disasters. As a matter of fact, there are so many cloud services out there that not backing up files to a cloud service is a very risky operation that can cost users and businesses money.   Investing in Quality Surge Protectors Power surges can wreak havoc on your computer. Investing in quality surge protectors is a wise decision.The US has around 1,5 millions of lightnings every year and homes are struck by high voltage thunders. As a result, computers may stop working after a storm because the power supply is broken.However, as a storm approaches and you are working from home, we highly recommend to stop working, save all your files, shut down your pc or laptop and unplug the power cord from the wall. Working

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Ode to the IT Support in Westchester

Ode to the IT Support in Westchester In the heart of Westchester’s gentle embrace, Where the Hudson’s whispers weave a tranquil grace, A troubadour of technology, silent but strong, Offers IT services in a digital song.   Beneath the sycamores and the azure sky, Where data streams flow, and electrons fly, Westchester’s IT guardian, a sage with a key, Unlocks the mysteries of the tech symphony.   Through the rolling hills, where the sun does kiss, A troubadour troubleshooter, in moments of bliss. In the heart of technology, where emotions unfurl, Westchester’s IT services, a compassionate swirl.   With circuits as verses and screens as the stage, The troubleshooter dances on the digital page. In the language of motherboards, secrets unfold, Westchester’s IT services, a tale to be told.   Each click and each hum, a heartbeat sincere, In the realm of connections, where anxieties clear. The troubleshooter’s touch, like a comforting hand, Westchester’s pc services, emotions understand.   “Computer Repair,” the troubadour’s song, In every keystroke, emotions strong. In the hush of the workshop, where dreams unfold, Local computer help, a tale to be told.   Amidst the rolling hills and the riverside, The troubadour troubleshooter stands as a guide. In the realm of pixels and wires’ gentle hum, Westchester’s IT magic, a harmonious strum.   From the sunrise that paints the landscape gold, To the moonlit tales that the troubleshooter’s told, In Westchester’s embrace, where technology weaves, IT services thrive in a tapestry of leaves.   Laptop support, like a guardian’s caress, In the digital haven, where worries compress. With every click and every gentle stroke, The troubleshooter whispers, “You’re not alone.”   Each node a heartbeat in the rhythm of code, In the vast cyber expanse, where emotions erode. Yet, the troubleshooter stands, a digital guide, Network support, where human and tech coincide.   When your laptop falters or your desktop weeps, In the local sanctuary, where empathy seeps. Computer repair, a troubadour’s embrace, Where technology meets a human face.   Amidst the routers and switches, where packets shine In Westchester county, computer networks work just fine With every connection, a story unfolds, In the realm of networks, where emotions are bold.   Through realms of Wi-Fi, where signals confide, Tech help soothes frustrations like a tranquil tide. In the heart of Westchester county, where networks entwine, Local IT services are considered divine.  

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What a Tech Support Service Should Do for Businesses in Westchester County NY

What a Tech Support Service Should Do for Businesses in Westchester County NY Westchester county is home to one of the wealthiest communities in the whole US and has thriving businesses. From lawyers to doctors, to manufacturers, all companies make Westchester county a great place to live and work. However, all those businesses cannot afford downtime when performing their day to day operations. In this competivive landscape, the need for reliable information technology services is paramount. What companies are looking for when selecting an IT companies can be summarized as follows: Having Google Reviews Google reviews can help potential customers determine if the IT company they are looking for has consistently serviced its clients. Having many Google reviews can move the needle towards choosing an IT company that ranks on Google or a computer service that has good Google reviews.   Unlocking Excellence in Westchester Computer Services, NY In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, finding reliable and exceptional Westchester Computer Services in NY is paramount for businesses and individuals alike. As a leading provider in the region, we take pride in delivering unparalleled services that go beyond the conventional, ensuring your technological infrastructure is not just functional but optimized for peak performance. Comprehensive IT Support Our commitment to excellence begins with listening to our customers when they are looking for comprehensive IT support services. We understand that each business has unique requirements, and our seasoned team of experts is dedicated to tailoring solutions that align perfectly with your specific needs. From troubleshooting to proactive system maintenance, Sandanotech can cover almost any business needs. Cutting-Edge Technology Integration In the dynamic world of technology, staying ahead is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity. We can integrate cutting-edge technologies into your existing infrastructure. Whether it’s adopting the latest software solutions or ensuring hardware compatibility, we take the hassle out of tech upgrades, allowing you to focus on what you do best – growing your business. Unparalleled Expertise in Network Security In an era where cyber threats are ever-looming, securing your digital assets is non-negotiable. We can adopt robust network security measures that safeguard your data from potential breaches. From firewalls to encryption protocols, we leave no stone unturned in fortifying your digital fortress. Proactive Threat Monitoring Prevention is the key to a secure digital environment. Our proactive threat monitoring services ensure that potential vulnerabilities are identified and addressed before they can be exploited. This not only safeguards your sensitive information but also provides you with the peace of mind to focus on strategic business initiatives. Responsive and Efficient IT Infrastructure Management Efficiency is at the core of our IT infrastructure management services. We optimize your systems for peak performance, ensuring that your technology aligns seamlessly with your business objectives. From cloud services to server management, our approach is rooted in enhancing operational efficiency. Seamlessly Migrating to the Cloud Embrace the future with our seamless cloud migration services. We tailor cloud solutions to suit your specific business needs, ensuring scalability, flexibility, and enhanced collaboration. Experience the freedom of accessing your data and applications anytime, anywhere, with the power of cloud technology. 24/7 Technical Support We understand that technology doesn’t adhere to a 9-to-5 schedule. That’s why our 24/7 technical support is ready to assist you whenever you need it. Our responsive team ensures that downtime is minimized, and your systems are back up and running swiftly, keeping your business operations uninterrupted. We care about your Business Sandanotech does not only just provide services; we build enduring relationships. Our client-centric approach ensures that your satisfaction is not just a goal but a commitment. We take the time to understand your business intricacies, allowing us to tailor solutions that grow and evolve with you. Transparent Communication Communication is the cornerstone of any successful partnership. We pride ourselves on transparent and open communication channels. Whether it’s discussing project timelines, addressing concerns, or providing updates, we keep you in the loop every step of the way. Responsiveness is What Matters in Every Type of Tech Business In the dynamic realm of IT, issues can arise unexpectedly, disrupting your operations. Sandanotech commitment to responsive IT support ensures that your concerns are addressed promptly.We can be available around the clock, ready to tackle any technical challenge that may arise. We understand the urgency of IT issues and strive to provide swift and effective solutions to minimize downtime and keep your business running smoothly.

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Should you Get a New Computer or Upgrade the Existing One?

Should you Get a New Computer or Upgrade the Existing One? There are many things to consider when thinking about upgrading or replacing your computer, and there really isn’t a straightforward answer. I think the most important thing to do first is to create a list of the main the reasons why you are deciding whether to upgrading what you have or to get a new machine. Also, you need to consider the specifics of why you need a particular upgrade, whether it’s one component or maybe even the entire computer. The first thing I would do is a diagnostic of the performance of my current computer. Type on your keyboard CTRL + ALT+ DELETE and go to the Task Manager. The second tab will list the main parts of the computer that are being used, such as CPU, Hard Disk, Memory and Graphics Card (if you ahev one installed already): WHY YOU WANT TO STICK WITH WHAT YOU HAVE Is really time for an upgrade or should I keep what I have? 1) If your computer still runs Windows 10 and it is no more than 5 years old, you may want to wait before getting a new machine because new hardware just came out in October 2022 and Windows 11 is getting better.2) If your computer runs Windows 10 and has at least an Intel Core i5, a 512 GB Solid State Drive and at least 8 GB of memory, you have a computer with standard specifications that is good for basic tasks such as Internet browsing and email.Basically, if your computer is 2-3 years old, has decent hardware and you are a basic user, you don’t need to do any upgrade. WHY YOU DECIDED TO UPGRADE 1) If your computer is unable to do something that you consider important. For example, all your friends just got a new video game, but your computer doesn’t meet the minimum specs. If your friends have a computer that can handle games, you may want to ask them what hardware they got and upgrade to similar or more powerful specs. To upgrade a computer to meet specifications for gaming, I would upgrade the memory to at least 16 GB of RAM and install a PCI Express graphics card.2) Another example is if you use your computer to render videos. If you have a low power computer, you could wait an entire day for the video to render. To upgrade a computer to handle video editing I would upgrade the memory and install a graphics card like I would do for a computer that I would like to handle games.3) If you have just gotten a new job and have a lot of multitasking to do to meet the productivity of your new work environment, I would just put more RAM in the machine because adding more memory does not necessarily translate into a faster computer but, rather, it can help with multitasking, especially if you have multiple programs open at the same time.4) Even if all the circumstances above are not met and if your computer still has a mechanical hard drive, getting an SSD over a hard drive will almost always improve performance because a mechanical hard drive is slow compared to other components in your computer and often causes the bottleneck, from copying files to searching through folders in file explorer. Down below I have listed a table with the main components that can be upgraded: CURRENT UPGRADED     Intel Core i5, 8 GB of RAM, 512 Mechanical Hard Drive Upgrade Hard Drive by Cloning to an SSD     Intel Core i5, 8 GB of RAM, 512 SSD Upgrade RAM from 8 to 16 GB For Multitasking   Intel Core i5, 8 GB of RAM, 512 SSD Upgrade Ram to 16 GB an Install a Dedicated Graphics Card, for Video Editing or Gaming     Intel Core i7, 16 or 32 GB RAM, 1TB NVME This is the Ideal Computer that Can Handle Productivity, Gaming, Video Editing, and a Small Virtualization WHEN IT IS TIME TO GET A NEW COMPUTER 1) If you are still running Windows 7, backup your computer files, make a list of all the programs you are running and get a new computer with Windows 11.2) If your computer is 4 to 5 years old and all of a sudden does not turn on anymore, I recommend to shop for a new one and avoid to repair it, unless you don’t have a backup in place and you need a computer technician to recover your data that are still hostage in the broken computer.3) If your computer runs a Pentium or a Core I3 processor, I think that you may want to skip the upgrade of the processor because it can be too expensive, and the upgrade of a CPU is not always successful. You may want to get instead a computer with an Intel core i5 or i7.4) In 2025 when Windows 10 will run out of support and Microsoft will not release updates anymore, you may want to get a computer that runs Windows 11.5) If you want to get a new computer that runs Windows 10 at the end of 2022, that is fine but make sure that the hardware of your machine is not too old when it will be time to upgrade to Windows 11. At the end of 2022, we are still in between the switch between Windows 10 and Windows 11 and new hardware running Windows 10 is still totally fine and can overcome the glitches that Windows 11 still has. This table lists the current status of the hardware for new computers, as of November 2022: CPU Intel 13 Gen, AMD Ryzen 7000 Series     RAM DDR4 and DDR5     NVME HARD DRIVE PCI Gen 3 and PCI Gen 4     GRAPHICS CARD Nvidia RTX or AMD RX Series     OPERATING SYSTEM Windows 10, Windows 11     As you

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7 Free Windows Productivity Tools you May Want to Consider

7 Free Windows Productivity Tools you May Want to Consider Using the computer the way most of us does it does not take into account that there are many productivity tools that can enhance our daily lives and make us more productive. Some tools that I will describe in this article help better understand some hidden computer features you may not want to tamper with; others can take our tasks to a new level and make us look like computer professionals.Productivity is the most important aspect of our digital life. There are many different types of software that can be used to help increase productivity. Windows has a few that are free, and they have some great features as well as being easy to use. Here are some free tools you may want to consider while working with mouse, programs, and files: 1- FILE LOCKSMITH File Locksmith is part of Microsoft Power Toys and it can be downloaded for free from here. When you delete a file accidentally or not, Windows can tell you if the file is in use by another program. But if the file or folder is in use by a set of programs it may not tell you that it’s in use. File locksmith tells you if a folder is in use by a program so that you can determine if it’s worth deleting it or not. The most useful feature of this program is the one that shows up after right clicking “ What’s using this file”. You can also select an entire directory or folder, and it will scan all files and subfolders in that one, and tell you which ones are being used by what programs. So you can see for each process, it has an End Task option. It also says like the process ID, the user, and it will also show you other files being used by that program, like if you selected the directory with multiple files in there, maybe multiple of them are being used by one program. What’s also nice is this tool will tell you if a System account is using a file. 2- TEXT EXTRACTOR Text Extractor is a useful if you ever need to copy some text that you can’t highlight and select for some reason. If the text it’s in a picture, or if it’s part of a UI element in Windows you can highlight the text in it and Text extractor will copy the text to the clapboard. With this, you can just use the shortcut and then click and drag over whatever text you want. Text Extractor will use optical character recognition to extract the text and put it onto the clipboard. It may struggle when the font is really small or if it’s a highly compressed image but it’s works ninety per cent of the times. 3- AWAKE As the name implies, Awake keeps the computer awake, that is from going to sleep. What basically the program does is that it changes the power plan of your computer. Instead of going to make changes in the control panel or in the settings of your computer, Awake takes care of making those changes for you with few clicks. It also can keep awake the screen of your computer which is a task that is different from idling the screen. The utility may come handy when for example you run a server or you have tasks that require the computer running 24/7, such as backups or file transfer and synchronizations. 4- COLOR PICKER Similarly to Text Extractor, Color Picker can be enabled by using the shortcut Win+Shift+C. Those three keys will show you a little box next to your mouse and cursor. With your mouse and cursor, you can hover the image and the program will show you the color beneath the cursor with its hex properties. Once you find a color you like, you can simply click and it will bring up the bigger color editor. On the right, there’s this little color bar. At the center is the color that you picked, and then on the left and right, it’ll show a couple shades lighter and darker. If you right click after the selection of the color you are focusing on, you can export the list to a text file. 5- FILE EXPLORER ADDONS This program gathers multiple other programs under its name. The addons provide the ability to see previews and thumbnails of more file types than default. For example, if there are several different source code files actually that can be previewed, PDF, geometric code, and other extension files can be previewed by toggling the button “On”. 6- HOSTS FILE EDITOR The hosts file is a text file with notations related to the way your computer talks to the network. It requires you to know networking before changing the parameters of that file. If you’re not familiar with the host file, it basically lets you manually enter DNS entries for your computer, which means it will link an IP address to a domain or a host. And this tool simply gives you an easier GUI to be able to manipulate the host file, because normally you just open it with like notepad or something. Thanks to the utility, you can add an entry to the file, and you can enter the IP address and its host. You can also toggle it on and off, which will simply add a comment symbol to either comment it out or not, depending on whether that entry is enabled. Be cautious before modifying this file and learn more about DNS in general from my article here. 7- MOUSE UTILITIES Like the File Explorer addons, Mouse Utilities is a set of tools that enhance the productivity of your mouse cursor. The utilities include Find My Mouse, Mouse Highlighter, and Mouse Pointer Crosshairs. In Find My Mouse, you can set the shortcut to a few different things, either to press the control key twice

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